COVID PolicyBVC COVID Protocol
Based upon the available information and in alignment with the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Brazos Valley Co-op has updated its COVID-19 guidelines in the following manner:
For non-vaccinated individuals:
- If exposed: Five-day quarantine followed by five additional days of masking, social distancing, and symptom monitoring.
- If symptomatic: Negative COVID-19 test result required (no at-home COVID-19 tests accepted) and must be fever-free for at least twenty-four hours.
- If positive: Five-day isolation and fever-free for at least twenty-four hours, followed by five additional days of masking, social distancing, and symptom monitoring.
For fully vaccinated individuals:
- If exposed: Ten days of masking, social distancing, and symptom monitoring.
- If symptomatic: Negative COVID-19 test result required (no at-home COVID-19 tests accepted) and must be fever-free for at least twenty-four hours.
- If positive: Five-day isolation and fever-free for at least twenty-four hours, followed by five additional days of masking, social distancing, and symptom monitoring.
COVID policies are subject to change as the need arises. Always check here for the latest updates.
We are so excited to begin the semester at BVC. Between a new facility and ongoing covid concerns, we’ll need more parent help than ever to keep the doors open. For the safety of our students, all parent duty positions need to be filled each week. We need parents to be willing to step in at the last minute if another parent is unable to serve their duty time. This will help ensure that we can meet each week. We’re asking each family to donate one canister of disinfecting wipes and one pump bottle of hand sanitizer to assist in keeping students healthy on Fridays.
A few things to keep in mind:
- Parents should check each child for symptoms on Fridays before coming to BVC.
People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear two to fourteen days after exposure to the virus. People with the following symptoms may have COVID-19:
Congestion or runny nose
Fever (100.4°F) or chills
Muscle or body aches
Nausea or vomiting
New loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Students will be sent home midday if exhibiting covid symptoms.
Students will be asked to apply hand sanitizer when entering each class.
Parents should contact the committee if a student tests positive for COVID after attending the previous Friday. The committee will let affected teachers know but not share a family’s information publicly. We truly want to respect each family’s privacy while protecting teachers and classmates.
Parents are encouraged to step in at the last minute if parent duty subs are needed. To be added to the substitute contact list, email servicehours@
brazosvalleyco-op.com. -
Connect with other BVC parents and have a substitute in mind for your own duty times in case you need to stay home unexpectedly. If you’re home due to COVID, do not send your spouse to serve as a sub.
BVC will not offer make up classes/refunds. Our families can help ensure we’re able to meet each week. Should there be too many unfilled parent duty positions on a Friday, BVC would be cancelled for that week with no make-up classes.
Let your teachers know if you’re open to being a classroom substitute. This will help them plan in case of a last-minute substitute need.
Notify teachers if your student will be absent.
COVID policies are subject to change as the need arises.