Everything you need to know
BVC HandbookBehavior Guidelines
It is very important that we demonstrate a good example of home schooling and protect the facility we have so graciously been allowed to use. Observance of the guidelines listed on this website will ensure that co-op’s objectives will be met. They can be summed up in this way: Show thoughtfulness and respect toward the teachers, parents, other students, and our host church facility and staff. At all times our actions and attitudes should honor our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Prayer
We ask for the prayers and co-operation of each student, parent, and teacher to make the co-op a safe and God-honoring place. May the Lord bless each of you.
“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…”
Col. 3:17
The Brazos Valley Co-op Handbook is embedded below or you can access from the link below.