Digital Payment Address: Venmo @BrittanyKevinUnderwood
Class Details
Class Time: 4th hour
Grades: K-2nd
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: no
Estimated Homework Hours: none
Required Materials or Books: none
Class Description
Word Builders: Future Readers Under Construction!
Join our team of word builders to participate in fun, engaging, and differentiated centers that help students master the skills needed to become proficient readers.
2024-2025 Future Projects: word sorts phonics sight words rhyming word families word stamping and more!
I am a third generation teacher and married into a family of teachers. I received my degree in Early Childhood Education from Texas Tech University and have experience teaching pre K-5th grades. My family lives on a ranch about an hour from Waco, and we spend as much time as we can outdoors!