K-3rd: Tea Time with Beatrix Potter

Teacher Info:

Teacher Name: Christi Vaughan
Teacher Email: clp_pumpkin@yahoo.com

Monthly Cost, Fees and Deposit

Tuition:  $200 per year
Payable in monthly installments of $25
Deposit: $25 (due at registration)
Supply/Materials Fee: $25 (due at registration)
Digital Payment Address: Zelle josh.vaughan@cabcwaco.org

Class Details

Class Time: 3rd hour
Grades: K-3rd
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: no
Estimated Homework Hours: none
Required Materials or Books: 

Class Description

Let’s have Tea! Come and join us for a time filled with tea, scones, and wonderful Beatrix Potter stories!

We will learn about “unfading beauty” through manners, etiquette, and how to give a proper tea! (and be a proper friend:)
Students will begin each class getting ready for tea time: they will set the table, help prepare snacks, practice the manner or etiquette focus for the week and even have the chance to “dress-up” for tea if they so choose! (“Dress-up” items such as beads or bow ties and big hats as well as our tea time snack will be provided:)

When everyone has been served, a Beatrix Potter story will be read aloud. We will then discuss the lesson learned from the story (such as there are consequences for our actions or how to be a good friend).

Our verse for the year is 1 Peter 3:3-4, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Through Tea Time & Beatrix Potter, I hope we all grow in unfading beauty!

Christi Vaughan
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