5th-8th: Pray around the World

Teacher Info:

Teacher Name: Maggie Vasut
Teacher Email: mdvasut@gmail.com

Monthly Cost, Fees and Deposit

Tuition: $200 per year
Payable in monthly installments of $25
Deposit: $25 (due at registration)
Supply/Materials Fee: $20 (due at registration)
Digital Payment Address: Venmo @Maggie-Vasut

Class Details

Class Time: 5th hour
Grades: 5th-8th
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: No
Estimated Homework Hours: 20 minutes
Required Materials or Books: 

Class Description

We will learn about 30 countries of the world and their cultures. We will try to invite some international students, scholars or family members from of these countries once a month to talk to students. We will pray around the world and give God glories.

Maggie Vasut
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