1st-3rd: Little Thinker Adventures

Teacher Info:

Teacher Name: Amy Davis
Teacher Email: amymdavis@fastmail.com

Monthly Cost, Fees and Deposit

Tuition:  $200 per year
Payable in monthly installments of $25
Deposit: $25 (due at registration)
Supply/Materials Fee: $25 (due at registration)
Digital Payment Address: Venmo @AmyD2020

Class Details

Class Time: 4th hour
Grades: 1st-3rd
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: None
Estimated Homework Hours: None
Required Materials or Books: 
1 white butcher paper roll (you can purchase at most grocery stores)
1 box washable markers

Class Description

Through a blend of listening to stories and drawing pictures, students will spark their imagination, develop their listening skills and discover their artistic abilities in an encouraging environment! Students will listen to pre-recorded, captivating stories that are enhanced with sound effects and music. Throughout the story they will be guided to bring their imaginative ideas to life on paper by crafting drawings and paintings inspired by the story.

power of thinking, abstract imagination, world, universe inside your mind, watercolor painting
Amy Davis
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