K-3rd: Let’s Explore Centers

Teacher Info:

Teacher Name: Katie Horton
Teacher Email: katiehorton6@hotmail.com

Monthly Cost, Fees and Deposit

Tuition:  $200 per year
Payable in monthly installments of $25
Deposit: $25 (due at registration)
Supply/Materials Fee: $20 (due at registration)
Digital Payment Address: Venmo @Katie-Horton-34

Class Details

Class Time: 3rd hour
Grades: K-3rd
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: none
Estimated Homework Hours: none
Required Materials or Books: 

Class Description

What child doesn’t love centers? Centers are a wonderful way for children to explore and learn in small groups, and are absolutely so much fun! They allow students to engage in many open ended activities. This class will allow young learners to rotate through 3 centers each Friday. They will engage in a variety of different activities during their time in class. Centers will change every few weeks, so children will have an opportunity to explore each center at least once, and will be able to revisit a favorite center in subsequent classes.

Types of centers will include a Movement Center, Building/STEM, Science, Math, Arts and Crafts, Literacy, Puzzles/Games, Hands-on/Fine Motor, and Dress-up/Play. Each week we will have 6-8 center options. Activities in some centers will be differentiated, so that younger students and older students can explore and learn about the same topic with activities that match their age and abilities.

Children will have the opportunity to build with many different types of materials, play games, do puzzles, preform experiments, create, dig for buried treasure, study nature, and much more. They will explore with magnets, scales, balances, and magnifying glasses.

Katie Horton
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