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Class Details
Class Time: 1st hour
Grades: K-3rd
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: No
Estimated Homework Hours: 0
Required Materials or Books: Set of 24 Colored pencils, glue stick, scissors, pencil, Primary Journal (Drawing space plus handwriting lines)
Class Description
Travel the world through delightful picture books! This class includes geography, nature science, folktales, music, art, and even some history through award-winning literature. We’ll cover countries from every continent.
Geographic elements include country maps and flags for children to cut out and color, encouraging journaling of all they are learning. Beautiful drawings of indigenous animals are also included which will familiarize students with some remarkable creatures, their habitat and habits.
Victoria has a background in Child Development and was a Preschool Teacher in the past. She and her husband have been married for 19 years and have 3 wonderful children. They have been homeschooling for over 5 years and it’s been a learning journey for all — Mom and the kids! Her kids greatly enjoy the classes and community at BVC and she is excited to join the teaching team this year.