4th-6th: Apologia: Chemistry & Physics

Teacher Info:

Teacher Name: Terri Rohrer
Teacher Email: terrirohrer72@gmail.com

Monthly Cost, Fees and Deposit

Tuition: $240 per year
Payable in monthly installments of $30
Deposit: $30 (due at registration)
Supply/Materials Fee: $40 (due at registration)
Digital Payment Address: Zelle is preferred: terrirohrer72@gmail.com (contact for Venmo)

Class Details

Class Time: 1st hour
Grades: 4th-6th
Midterm Enrollment: Yes
Prerequisite: None
Estimated Homework Hours: 1 hour
Required Materials or Books: 
Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics by Jeannie Fulbright. Students in the same family may share a textbook. Students will need a spiral notebook and a folder for handouts. Please have your child bring pencils, colored pencils, scissors, and a glue stick to class each week.

Class Description

Learning about chemistry and physics is fascinating and FUN! We will begin by exploring the basic building blocks of creation which are atoms and molecules. We will then journey through simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms before discovering concepts of electricity, magnetism, and simple machines. Along the way, your student will make their own bouncy ball, formulate a smoke bomb, construct a working periscope, create a lava lamp, and much more! All the while, God will be glorified as the Master Designer of all that they are discovering about the world and how it works.

As with other Apologia courses, your child will work on their notebook each week. They will narrate what they have learned, make sketches, and record data from experiments. By the end of the year, they can easily refer to their notebook to remind them of everything we studied. Because one of my goals for the children is to become prepared for more rigorous upper level sciences, there will be occasional online tests and some homework each week.

Terri Rohrer
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